Rob Reider, Chris Piasecki, and Jay Tansey are three Mainers who, along with their wives, endured heartbreaking stillbirths. After the devastating loss of their daughter Bella, Jay and Elly were fortunate to be supported by good friends from Bowdoin, Rob and Tehilah. Unimaginably, 11 months later, Rob and T lost their first child, Lila. The two couples grappled with overwhelming grief as individuals, partners, and friends.
Soon after, they connected with fellow classmate, Sarah Piasecki, and her husband, Chris, who were rebuilding their lives after losing Isabelle. The men quickly formed a deep bond over beers and tears. From the ashes of stillbirth, the Sad Dads Club was born. Since then, they have welcomed five living children into the world and connected with countless other Sad Dads at t-ball, the beach, the bar, and everywhere in between. It’s the worst club with the best members. As the New York Times noted, “The men know one another’s stories and provide comfort on the birthdays of the children they lost.”
Rather than walk a lonely road, the Sad Dads carry each other and an ever-growing group of other loss fathers through the darkest parts of this journey. These incredible Mainers endeavor to bring joy back into their lives and the lives of other Sad Dads while honoring the children they lost. They’ve birthed a global community with members from Maine to California and Auckland to Vancouver. A registered 501c3, the Sad Dads Club meets weekly and gathers for retreats in Vacationland.
Through live events, daily Instagram posts, and long-form essays, Rob, Chris, and Jay have created a safe and supportive space for fathers to grieve and grow together. In addition to building community, the organization is committed to fundraising to ensure other loss parents have access to life-saving mental health support.